- a) First Year
THEORY EXAMINATION: Each Subject carries 80% marks with examination of 3 hours duration, along with 20% marks for internal evaluation. (Sessional marks). However, there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.
PRACTICAL EXAMINATION: There shall be 40% Marks for regular practical work done, i.e. sessional marks for each practical subject with an end examination of 3 hours duration carrying 60% marks. However, there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.
- b) III, IV, V, VI and VII Semesters:
THEORY EXAMINATION: Each subject carries usually 80 marks of 3hours duration, along with 20 marks for internal evaluation (sessional marks) respectively.
PRACTICAL EXAMINATION: Each subject carry 60/30 marks of 3hours duration 40/20 sessional marks.
- Theory Subjects: Theory Subjects carry 20% sessional marks, internal examinations will be conducted for awarding sessional marks on the dates specified. Three unit tests will be conducted for I year students and two Unit Tests for semesters. Average of marks obtained in all the prescribed tests will be considered for awarding the sessional marks
- Practical Subjects: For Engineering Drawing subjects out of 40 sessional marks, 20 marks is awarded by conducting 3 unit tests for first year drawing and 2 unit tests for semester drawings. Another 20 marks shall be awarded by evaluating drawing sheets from time to time during the academic year/semester.
Student’s performance in Laboratories / Workshop shall be assessed during the year/ semester of study for 40% marks in each practical subject. Allotment of marks should be discrete taking into consideration of the students’ skills, accuracy, recording and performance of the task assigned to him / her. Each student has to write a record / log book for assessment purpose. In the subject of Drawing, which is also considered as a practical paper, the same rules hold good. Drawing exercises are to be filed in seriatum.
- c) Internal assessment in Labs / workshops / Survey field work etc., during the course of study shall be done and sessional marks shall be awarded by the concerned Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Workshop superintendent as the case may be.
- d) For practical examinations, except in drawing, there shall be two examiners. External examiner shall be appointed by the Principal in consultation with respective Head of Section preferably choosing a qualified person from any local Industry/ nearby Government Polytechnic/ Local Government Organization. Internal examiner shall be the person concerned with internal assessment as in (c) above. The end examination shall be held along with all theory papers in respect of drawing.
- e) Question Paper for Practicals: Question paper should cover all the experiments / exercise prescribed to test various skills like handling, manipulating, testing, trouble shooting, repair, assembling and dismantling etc.
- f) Records pertaining to internal assessment marks of both theory and practical subjects are to be maintained for official inspection.
- g) In case of Diploma courses having Industrial Training, the training assessment shall be done and the marks are to be awarded in the following manner.
Industrial assessment |
240 marks (in two spells of 120 marks each) |
Final summative assessment at institution level: |
1.Maintenance of log book/Training report |
20 marks |
2.Demonstration of any one of the skill listed in learning out comes |
30 marks |
3.Viva-voce |
10 marks |
300 marks |
The final summative assessment at the institution level shall be done by three members, viz., External Examiner, Head of Section and Internal Faculty member, and be averaged.
For passing a theory subject, a candidate has to secure a minimum of 35% in end examination and a combined minimum of 35% of both Sessional and end examination marks put together.
For passing a practical subject, a candidate has to secure a minimum of 50% in end examination and a combined minimum of 50% of both sessional and practical end examination marks put together. In case of D.C.C.P., the pass mark for typewriting and short hand is 45% in the end examination. There are no sessional marks for typewriting and Shorthand subjects of D.C.C.P course.
Pass marks is 50% in assessment at Industry ( I and II assessments put together) and also 50% in final summative assessment at institution level
Improvement is allowed only after he / she has completed all the subjects from First Year
to Final semester of the Diploma.
- Improvement is allowed in any 4 (Four) subjects of the Diploma.
- The student can avail of this improvement chance ONLY ONCE, that too within the succeeding two examinations after the completion of Diploma. However, the duration including Improvement examination shall not exceed FIVE years from the year of first admission.
- No improvement is allowed in Practical / Lab subjects or Project work or Industrial Training assessment. However, improvement in drawing subject(s) is allowed.
- If improvement is not achieved, the marks obtained in previous Examinations hold good.
- Improvement is not allowed in respect of the candidates who are punished under Mal-practice in any Examination.
- Examination fee for improvement shall be paid as per the notification issued by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time.
- All the candidates who wish to appear for improvement of performance shall deposit the original Marks Memos of all the years / Semesters and also original Diploma Certificate to the Board. If there is improvement in performance of the current examination, the revised Memorandum of marks and Original Diploma Certificate will be issued, else the submitted originals will be returned.
RULES OF PROMOTION FROM 1ST YEAR TO 3,rd, 4,th 5th ,6th and 7th SEMESTERS:
A) For Diploma Courses of 3 Years duration
1. A candidate shall be permitted to appear for first year examination provided he / she puts in 75% attendance (which can be condoned on Medical grounds upto 10%) i.e. attendance after condonation on Medical grounds should not be less than 65% and pay the examination fee.
2. A candidate shall be promoted to 3rd semester if he/she puts the required percentage of attendance in the first year and pays the examination fee. A candidate who could not pay the first year examination fee has to pay the promotion fee as prescribed by State Board of Technical Education and Training, AP from time to time before commencement of 3rd semester.
iii. A candidate shall be promoted to 4th semester provided he/she puts the required
percentage of attendance in the 3rd semester and pay the examination fee. A
candidate, who could not pay the 3rd semester exam fee, has to pay the promotion
fee as prescribed by State Board of Technical Education and Training AP from time to
time before commencement of 4th semester.
A candidate is eligible to appear for the 4th semester examination if he/she
- Puts the required percentage of attendance in the 4th semester
- Should not have failed in more than four subjects in 1st year
For IVC & ITI Lateral Entry Students:
- A candidate is eligible to appear for the 4th semester examination if he/she puts the required percentage of attendance in the 4th semester
- A candidate is eligible to appear for the 4th semester examination if he/she clears at least two subjects in third semester.
- iv) A candidate shall be promoted to 5th semester provided he / she puts the required percentage of attendance in the 4th semester and pays the examination fee. A candidate, who could not pay the 4th semester examination fee, has to pay the promotion fee as prescribed by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time before commencement of 5th
A candidate is eligible to appear for the 5th semester examination if he/she
- Puts the required percentage of attendance in the 5th semester
- Should get eligibility to appear for 4th Semester examination.
The first backlog exam in 5th semester will be conducted only in instant/supplementary diploma examination.
For IVC& ITI Lateral Entry students:
- Puts the required percentage of attendance in the 5th semester
- v) A candidate shall be sent to Industrial training provided he/she puts in the required percentage of attendance in the 4th semester and pay the examination fee/ promotion fee as prescribed by SBTET.
A candidate is eligible to appear for Industrial Training assessment (Seminar/Viva-voce)
- Puts the required percentage of attendance, ie., 90% in 6th semester Industrial Training
For IVC & ITI Lateral Entry students:
- Puts the required percentage of attendance, ie., 90% in 6th semester Industrial Training.
- should get eligibility to appear for 5th Semester Examination.
Successful candidates shall be awarded the Diploma under the following divisions of pass.
- First Class with Distinction shall be awarded to the candidates who secure an overall aggregate of 75% marks and above.
- First Class shall be awarded to candidates who secure overall aggregate of 60% marks and above and below 75% marks.
- Second Class shall be awarded to candidates who secure a pass with an overall aggregate of below 60%.
- The Weightage of marks for various year/Semesters which are taken for computing overall aggregate shall be 25% of I year marks + 100% of 3rd and subsequent Semesters.
- In respect IVC & ITI Lateral Entry candidates who are admitted directly into diploma course at the 3rd semester (i.e., second year) level the aggregate of (100%) marks secured at the 3rd and subsequent semesters of study shall be taken into consideration for determining the overall percentage of marks secured by the candidates for award of class/division.
- Second Class shall be awarded to all students, who fail to complete the Diploma in the regular 3 years/ 3 ½ years and four subsequent examinations, from the year of first admission.
The examination fee should be as per the notification issued by State Board of Technical Education and Training, AP from time to time.
- Formative assessment ( Internal examination)
a)For theory subjects three unit tests for first year and two unit tests for semesters shall be conducted with a duration of one and half an hour for each paper for 40 marks. It consists of part A and Part B. Part A contains five questions and carries 16 marks. Among these five questions first question consists of four objective/ short answer/fill-in the blanks/true or false etc with one mark for each question. The other four questions are short answer questions and carry three marks each. Part B carries 24 marks and consists of three internal choice questions, and each question carries 8 marks each.
The total of 3/2 unit test marks shall be reduced to 20 marks in each subject for assessment.
- b) For Drawing subject, three unit tests for first year shall be conducted with a duration of one and half an hour for 40 marks. It consists of part A and Part B. Part A contains four questions and each question carries four marks ( 4×4 marks=16 marks). Part B carries 24 marks. It consists of five questions, and each question carries 8 marks each, out of five questions student has to answer any three questions ( 3×8 marks=24 marks).
The total of 3 unit test marks shall be reduced to 20 marks for assessment. Remaining 20 marks are awarded by the subject teacher based on the submission of drawing assignment sheets.
- c) For Laboratory /workshop , 40% of total marks for the subject shall be awarded based on continuous assessment of the student in laboratory/workshop classes.
- Summative assessment ( End examination)
The question paper for theory examination is patterned in such a manner that the Weightage of periods/marks allotted for each of the topics for a particular subject be considered Examination paper is of 3/6/9 hours duration.
- Each theory paper consists of Section ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
Section ‘A’ contains 10 short answer questions. All questions are to be answered and each carries 3 marks.
Max. Marks: 10 x 3 = 30.
Section B contains 5 essay type questions including Numerical questions with internal choice, each carrying 8 marks.
Max. Marks: 5 x 8 = 40.
Section C contains single essay type higher order question including Numerical questions
without choice ( without any divisions in the question), The question carrying
Max. Marks: 1 x 10 = 10.
Total Maximum Marks: 80.
- For Engineering Drawing Subject (107) consist of section ‘A’ and section ‘B’. Section ‘A’ contains four (4) questions. All questions in section ‘A’ are to be answered to the scale and each carries 5 marks. Max. Marks: 4 x 5=20. Section ‘B’ contains six (6) questions. Out of which four (4) questions to be answered and each question carries 10 Marks. Max. Marks 4 x 10 = 40.
- Practical Examinations
For Workshop practice and Laboratory Examinations, Each student has to pick up a question paper distributed by Lottery System.
Max. Marks for an experiment / exercise : 50%
Max. Marks for VIVA-VOCE : 10%
Total : 60% (of total marks for the subject)
In case of practical examinations with 50 marks, the marks will be worked out basing on the above ratio.
In case of any change in the pattern of question paper, the same shall be informed sufficiently in advance to the candidates.
Note: Evaluation for Laboratory Courses, other than Drawing courses:
- Instruction (teaching) in laboratory courses (except for the course on Drawing) hereafter shall be task/competency based as delineated in the Laboratory sheets, prepared by SBTET, AP and posted in its website.
- Internal assessment for Laboratory shall be done on basis of task/s performed by the student as delineated in the laboratory sheets, prepared by SBTET, AP and posted in its website.
- Question paper for End semester Evaluation shall be prepared as per SBTET rules in vogue.
All candidates who appear for the end examination will be issued memorandum of marks without any payment of fee. However candidates who lose the original memorandum of marks have to pay the prescribed fee to the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P. for each duplicate memo from time to time.
Maximum period for completion of the diploma courses is twice the duration of the course from the date of First admission (includes the period of detention and discontinuation of studies by student etc) failing which they will have to forfeit the claim for qualifying for the award of Diploma (They will not be permitted to appear for examinations after that date). This rule applies for all Diploma courses of 3 years and 3 ½ years of engineering and non-engineering courses.
A candidate is eligible for award of Diploma Certificate if he / she fulfil the following academic regulations.
- He / She pursued a course of study for not less than 3 / 3 ½ academic years & not more than 6 / 7 academic years.
- He / she have completed all the subjects.
Students who fail to fulfil all the academic requirements for the award of the Diploma within 6 / 7 academic years from the year of admission shall forfeit their seat in the course & their seat shall stand cancelled.
For IVC & ITI Lateral Entry students:
- He / She pursued a course of study for not less than 2 / 2 ½ academic years & not more than 4 / 5 academic years.
- He / she has completed all the subjects.
Students who fail to fulfill all the academic requirements for the award of the Diploma within 4 / 5 academic years from the year of admission shall forfeit their seat in the course & their seat shall stand cancelled.
- A candidate desirous of applying for Photo copy of valued answer script/
scripts should apply within prescribed date from the date of the declaration
of the result.
- Photo copies of valued answer scripts will be issued to all theory subjects and
Drawing subject(s).
- The Photo copy of valued answer script will be dispatched to the concerned
candidate’s address as mentioned in the application form by post.
- No application can be entertained from third parties.
- A candidate desirous of applying for Re-verification of valued answer script should apply within prescribed date from the date of the declaration of the result.
- Re-verification of valued answer script shall be done for all theory subjects’ and Drawing subject(s).
- The Re-verification committee constituted by the Secretary, SBTETAP with subject experts shall re-verify the answer scripts.
The Officer of SBTET will verify the marks posted and recount them in the already valued answer script. The variations if any will be recorded separately, without making any changes on the already valued answer script. The marks awarded in the original answer script are maintained (hidden).
- The Committee has to verify the intactness and genuineness of the answer script(s) placed for Re-verification.
- Initially single member shall carry out the re-verification.
- On re-verification by single member, if the variation is less than 12% of maximum marks, and if there is no change in the STATUS in the result of the candidate, such cases will not be referred to the next level ie., for 2-Tier evaluation.
- On re-verification by a single member, if the variation is more than 12% of maximum marks, it will be referred to 2-Tier evaluation.
- If the 2-Tier evaluation confirms variation in marks as more than 12% of maximum marks, the variation is considered as follows:
- a) If the candidate has already passed and obtains more than 12% of the maximum marks on Re-verification, then the variation is considered.
- b) If the candidate is failed and obtains more than 12% of the maximum marks on Re-verification and secured pass marks on re-verification, then the status of the candidate changes to PASS.
- c) If a candidate is failed and obtains more than 12% of the maximum marks on Re-verification and if the marks secured on re-verification are still less than the minimum pass marks, the status of the candidate remain FAIL only.
- After Re-verification of valued answer script the same or change if any therein on Re-verification, will be communicated to the candidate.
- On Re-verification of Valued Answer Script if the candidate’s marks are revised, the fee paid by the candidate will be refunded or else the candidate has to forfeit the fee amount.
Note: No request for Photo copies/ Recounting /Re-verification of valued answer script
would be entertained from a candidate who is reported to have resorted to
Malpractice in that examination.
If any candidate resorts to Mal Practice during examinations, he / she shall be booked and the Punishment shall be awarded as per SBTETAP rules and regulations in vogue.
Any Discrepancy /Pleas regarding results etc., shall be represented to the SBTETAP within one month from the date of issue of results. Thereafter, no such cases shall be entertained in any manner.
If a candidate loses his/her original Diploma Certificate and desires a duplicate to be issued he/she should produce written evidence to this effect. He / she may obtain a duplicate from the Secretary, State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P., on payment of prescribed fee and on production of an affidavit signed before a First Class Magistrate (Judicial) and non-traceable certificate from the Department of Police. In case of damage of original Diploma Certificate, he / she may obtain a duplicate certificate by surrendering the original damaged certificate on payment of prescribed fee to the State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P.
In case the candidate cannot collect the original Diploma within 1 year from the date of issue of the certificate, the candidate has to pay the penalty prescribed by the SBTET AP from time to time.
April 2019 notification-with 2nd mercy chance and special mercy chance-final_668.